Let's see. I had a paper due Friday afternoon. I hadn't slept in two days. On Monday I have a Systematic Midterm due and I preach (which means I have a 6 page exegesis paper paper due as well). So this weekend is a litte out of control. So what do I do on Friday night?

I mean, come on. First of all, it's the House of Blues. I've never been before. I know it isn't THE House of Blues. But still. Second, it's Atlantic City, which in my mind carried a certain wry humor. I always associate Atlantic City as being just kind of suspect, or dirty, or odd...or all three.
To demonstrate:
1) We arrive and park the car. In Peter's words: "If the car is there I'll be happy. Even if it's broken into. I just want it to still be there."
2) We scrounge around for a buffet. If you are ever near a bunch of casinos, you have to eat at a buffet. And while you are there you have to get at least two plates, and you must use all of your utensils. Kudos to Bos for using all his utensils, and even getting an extra soup spoon. The three of us sat there amazed at how much food our stomachs could contain. We moved very slowly.
3) We go up to the doors for the show. Bos stops to gamble for a bit. Peter and I head up to the show and slowly sip beer, and are nervous that our stomachs dn't have the room for it.
4) Opening Band: Matt Pond PA. They were decent. If they had stopped playing after 30 minutes I probably would have bought their CD. But, they played for 50 minutes. And at one point, their bass player sat behind the drum set and clapped for an entire song.
5) Guster is amazing as always.
6) We leave, and Peter is awesome because both of his passengers slept whle he drove us all home confortably and safely. The car was still there. And no one even broke into it.
PS - I've been to casinos in Vegas and in central Wisconsin. I like to think that gave me a little variety in terms of casino atmosphere. In both cases I had a hard time locating nickel slots. Not in Atlantic City. Nickel slots are all over the place. Not only that, but the have PENNY SLOTS. Wow. Just in case you only have pennies in your pockets after losing your life savings, you can still carry the night a little longer, and actually walk out with nothing. Next goal for casinos: shirt slots. Now you can lose the ACTUAL shirt off your back.
Good times. Atlantic City, you get my thumbs up for bringing Guster, and for the sheer audacity of your existence.
FYI: the nickel slots are a dying breed. Vegas casinos may have them, but more importantly, most casinos now have the "coinless" slots - you have to put in either dollar bills or load a casino card with money. What's the freakin' point of slots if you can't put your change in?
Guster is for Lovers.
Guster? You lucky bastard! I would have even killed to see Matt Pond PA, just to hear the one song that I know of theirs ("Closer"). You are living the sort of life that I am jealous of... Princeton AND Guster. Man, what does a brother have to do to get them to play up in Vancouver?
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