Friday, May 26, 2006

Return to Summer

Summer has returned. Actually, summer, for all practical purposes in my life, returned a few weeks ago when I left campus...around May 5th or so. In the past few years, that has meant I hop in the car and take a little road trip.

So, it should come as no surprise that I took the very direct route from New Jersey to Kansas and went through Canada. Very direct. Yeah.

But now I am in Kansas City, where I will be for the summer. I don't want to get into too much, but I do want to pause to show a picture from a canoe trip I went on soon after getting into town. You know, when you take a week to drive around, and then work for a week, it's about time to take a vacation. So I did.

We went down to southern Missouri, to Eleven Point River, which meanders in and out of the Mark Twain Wilderness. A trip well worth the time when you are looking to do some canoeing and some relaxing for a few days.

01 - Me, Abbey, Matthew, Kevin

22 - From Canoe


At 10:53 PM, Blogger swimmerpie3331 said...

Is that an A.E. Graham sighting? I'd heard rumors that she existed, but I didn't believe it!


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