Days of Lethargy
I'm not going to blame it on Saturday night, but the past few days have seen very little in the way of productivity from this young one.
What happened Saturday? There was the matter of the 24th birthday party of KPlax. Mr. Fear & Trembling himself was looking very suave as he critiqued the PoMo use of Brown on Black...

And he was also there to show off his superb tie to our representative from overseas....

So, that good time kind of spawned a series of events where I either didn't want to get work done, seemed physically incapable of getting work done, or got legitimately distracted by other things. Maybe my brain is taking some rest after some intense weeks of work that have resulted in getting a few steps ahead.
How does one go about curing lethargy? Is it an active process? Or is the cure to lethargy, ironically, to treat it passively and hope it just goes away?
I'm not one for passivity, more or less, so I've forced myself into good old Firestone tonight, and cranked out about 3 hours of work before taking the time to partake in some free internet usage (thank you puvisitor!) so make (gasp!) yet another update.
Next week is the reading break. A year ago I was preparing to head into the Adirondacks wilderness. This year I think I will again take some time to head into the unknown, but it won't be as far. This year I may head into some mental wilderness for the first couple of days. My brain needs time away. In the same way that this summer at Mount Hermon I found that the more I like the place, the more important it was for me to take time away from it. Now, back at school, I think I am seeing that pattern emerge again. This is a place that becomes so ingrained that sometimes you forget you can live and breathe without it. It is for that reason that I need to take time away. What would happen if a frog suddenly forgot it enjoyed life in the water? I guess it would forget the joy of swimming and think that it was forever doomed to hop the earth.
Ahh, cheesy analogies. Another facet of life....