Between Rocks
At times, the depth of shallow waters. At times, the deep itself. More often than not, random musings. Perhaps there is value, even in the inane.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Captain's Quarters
This is an homage to the quarters that housed me all summer: The Captain's Quarters.

This was Navin's room back when he was growing up. Yes, Navin's brave parents housed me all summer and Ab Fabulous had to deal with living down the hall. I came home late many times. I had a busy schedule. I did not do all that I could to be a polite guest for over 4 months. I will not be able to say thank you enough times, nor do I know what I would have done if they had not been willing to turn over the Captain's Quarters to me for a while.
I should also thank Navin for not getting too worried. Don't worry, I only made a few changes to the room. The color in there was horrendous so I did a small paint job. What was blue is now screaming yellow to fit my rockin' awesomeness and screaming attack at life.
But, more than anyone else, I should thank that Captain who apparently gave up his sign so it could adorn the room I stayed in. The room took on a life of its own. It was not just a room, but it was the Captain's room. The Captain's Quarters. Thank you, Captain, whoever you are. And I hope you have hook instead of a hand. And a peg leg. Maybe two peg legs. And, or course, a parrot that repeats things you say and, sometimes, when you try to threaten someone, the parrot repeats the threat which really takes the menacing tone out of it. But what are you going to do? You have a hook and two peg legs.
Bless the Captain, and bless the Captain's Quarters.
I've come down with something
I'm frozen, tied up, cast in lead
It's simple, so says the captain
Face forward, move slow, forge ahead
I'm earning a reputation
My conscience, mistrust and regret
Courageous, just like the captain
Marching forward with no doubt in his head
--Guster's The Captain